ZAMMSA engages in meticulous procurement planning to ensure a timely and adequate supply of essential medicines and medical supplies. This includes forecasting demand, determining budget allocations, and setting procurement timelines.
Tendering Process
ZAMMSA utilizes a competitive tendering process to promote transparency and cost-effectiveness. This involves issuing public tenders, inviting bids, and evaluating proposals based on predetermined criteria.
Inventory Management
Efficient inventory management practices are implemented to monitor stock levels, minimize wastage, and prevent stockouts. This includes maintaining accurate records, conducting regular audits, and using advanced inventory management systems.
Quality Assurance
Ensuring the quality of medicines and medical supplies is a top priority. ZAMMSA collaborates with regulatory bodies such as the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) to conduct rigorous quality checks and inspections.
Supplier Selection
The agency follows strict criteria for selecting suppliers to ensure quality and reliability. This involves evaluating potential suppliers based on their financial stability, past performance, compliance with regulatory standards, and capacity to deliver on time.