ZAMMSA engages in meticulous procurement planning to ensure a timely and adequate supply of essential medicines and medical supplies. This includes forecasting demand, determining budget allocations, and setting procurement timelines.
ZAMMSA’s Customer Service manages the order processing of medicines and supplies for health facilities, ensuring requisitions are validated, aligned with stock levels, and transmitted to the inventory system. This integration enables real-time stock updates, efficient resource allocation, and streamlined coordination with warehousing and distribution teams for timely delivery. By bridging facilities and inventory systems, Customer Service enhances transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in the supply chain.
Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA), is a statutory body established by the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency Act 2019 and charged with the mandate to procure, store and distribute medicines and medical supplies to all public health institutions in Zambia on behalf of the Zambian Government.
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